marți, 20 octombrie 2009

Honeymoon - quick notes

Hi everyone! We are in Madrid now! Just a quick stop for one day! We'll come back next week for more!

As expected everything is great! The weather is as good as it could be (20 something degrees, just perfect to go for long walks and explore the city), the people are very nice (but we already know that from Barcelona), the food is delicious, the hotel we are staying in is very nice and stylish! There is even a relaxation room, a wii room and a hy-tech room (the one I am posting right now ;)

But that's it for now! Tomorrow we take off again, destination Paradise Beach!

If I´ll have the chance I´ll post updates! ;) Stay tuned!

Until then, take care and have a wonderful week! I am sure I will!


sâmbătă, 17 octombrie 2009

Getaway to paradise - the dream coming true

My dream is finally coming true. It took centuries to change my id and passport (now that I am married and changed surname) and to arrange everything for the honeymoon but it is all done now. We are going for 10 wonderful days to this Paradise Island in The Carabians.

I took a little break from packing to write this post. I experience the strangest thing ever! I am packing bathing suits and flip flops and sandals, and skirts and summer dresses when there are around 5 degrees outside. I have dreamed about this moment since spring, I have imagined thousands of times how it will be, but now my imagination is blank. I can't picture myself covered in oil and jumping in cold water because it is too hot outside.

On the other hand I am so ready to go there to finally enjoy summer.

Oh! I forgot about the stopover in Madrid. So, tones of excitement and enthusiasm, sightseeing, and diving and exploring and quality time to spend.

See you in 2 weeks!


joi, 15 octombrie 2009

Behind the scenes

While the main attraction during the international fashion weeks takes place on the catwalk, it's always thrilling to see the behind-the-scenes action transpire.

While some models seem to just throw on clothes, I like that most of them seem to have a real joie de vivre when it comes to dressing. Whether it's a pink floral brocade jacket over a simple sweater and jeans or an amazing pair of wide-striped tights and a metallic carryall, some models manage to inject a sense of personality into the wardrobe.

marți, 13 octombrie 2009

Il fait froid au jour d'hui

Today the weather is so pissed off! It's raging windy and haoticly rainy! Brrrrr.... The perfect time to laze in bed, drink hot hot fruit tea or hot hot caffe-au-lait, listen to music, read a book or a magazine or watch fashion tv. This is how I would spend today if I have the opportunity to chose.

luni, 12 octombrie 2009

Day by day

It's been a very busy week, but it is finally over. This was pretty much my week. Going from meetings to quick lunches, running from the office to have a lovely brunch with my lovely husband, celebrating friend's birthday, trying new outfits at Zara, getting silly in front of the camera before taking all clothes off and going to sleep.

In images, this was it:

Business meetings...

Lunch in a hurry while discussing and arranging something over the phone...

The evening escapade after a long day in the office...

Quick brunch and favorite cinnamon caffe-au-lait.

... stealing from husband's carrot-cake (... because "The grass is always greener on the other side" ;))

Fresh new morning (Quick shot before leaving for work)

Going to my best friend's birthday party. Surprise-surprise! She had no idea about the secret party we arranged for her.

Trying a new business style at Zara. (I love ruffled shirts and high-waisted pants. So elegant and business-lady-like)

Getting silly in front of the camera and playing the ultimate fashionista before going to bed.

miercuri, 7 octombrie 2009

Bijuterii cu dragoste

Charm de Paris sunt bijuterii realizate cu multa dragoste si cristale Swarovski, perle Swarovski, argint, pietre naturale, perle de apa dulce, margele de Bohemia.

~Pentru ca oricarei femei ii plac bijuteriile, stralucirea, atingerea lor rece si culorile captivante.
~Pentru ca o bijuterie este pusa in valoare de persoana care o poarta si la randul ei aduce distinctie si rafinament celei pe care o imbratiseaza.
~Pentru ca fiecare dintre noi isi doreste sa fie unica in felul ei si sa atraga atentie prin ceva aparte, deosebit.
~ Pentru ca poarta in ele eleganta, romantismul si eternul charm parisian.
~Pentru ca ne amintesc de momente deosebite din viata noastra.
~Pentru ca sunt pretioase si nemuritoare.

Pentru toate astea si pentru multe altele... Charm de Paris.

marți, 6 octombrie 2009

Astenia de toamna

Astenia de toamna ca si cea de primavara ne afecteaza pe toti intr-o masura mai mare sau mai mica si are diverse feluri de a se manifesta. La mine se manifesta asa:

luni, 5 octombrie 2009

Octombrie, luni

Urasc diminetile! Si mai ales diminetile de luni. Si de marti si de miercuri si de joi si putin mai putin de vineri.

Nu stiu altii cum sunt dar eu as da orice sa dorm un pic mai mult dimineata. Mai stiu cativa de-al de mine, insa ii invidiez pe cei care sar din pat imediat ce suna alarma ceasului sau a telefonului. Cred ca o data sau de doua ori pe an imi iese si mie figura asta, insa numai in acele zile in care am de facut niste chestii extraordinare, sau cand stiu ca ma asteapta un mic dejun copios si o cana aburinda de cafe-au-lait.

Cateodata se intampla paradoxul zilei libere ii spun eu. Sambata de exemplu ma trezesc cam la aceeasi ora la care ma trezesc in cursul saptamanii sau numai un pic un pic mai tarziu pentru ca stiu ca este ziua mea libera si nu vreau sa o pierd dormind. Abia astept sa mergem la cafea, sa ne luceasca ochii in soare si sa ne adie vantul in par pe o terasa in Unirii.

Ieri de exemplu am fost in targ. A fost o zi superba, poate chiar un pic prea calda fata de zilele cu care ne-a obisnuit toamna pana acum, o zi perfecta de stat afara. Nu am cumparat decat niste timbre pentru unchiul meu pasionat de filatelie, insa m-am plimbat printre randurile intesate de marfuri care mai de care mai atractive pentru ochiul trecator. Am remarcat multi vanzatori posomorati. Pesemne ca lumea mai mult se plimba si priveste decat cumpara. M-am simtit atunci un pic cu musca pe caciula, dar m-am consolat cu facptul ca nu am gasit nimic sa-mi placa sau sa-mi trebuiasca si am trecut mai departe...

sâmbătă, 3 octombrie 2009

Fornarina Fall/Winter 2009/2010

What I love the most about Fornarina is that they have the most wonderful and young and colorful and elegant but not too sophisticated, chic and feminine collections of all my dear brands.

This season Linsay Lohan is the Fornarina Girl and she is doing a pretty good job.